Contact Lens Fitting: What to Expect

Contact Lens Fitting: What to Expect

Contact lenses can effectively correct refractive errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Since they conform to your eye’s curvature, they provide better central and peripheral vision. You shouldn’t experience discomfort while...
How to Practice Eye Hygiene

How to Practice Eye Hygiene

Your eyes are precious, and taking care of them is integral. Incorporating good eye hygiene into your daily routine can help protect your vision and ensure your eyes remain healthy. This quick guide to proper eye care will provide you with valuable insights on how to...
Aging Eyes: Why Do They Need More Light?

Aging Eyes: Why Do They Need More Light?

Like the rest of your body, your eyes will inevitably change as you age. That’s why older adults often experience difficulty reading fine print or struggle to see in dimly lit environments. A local optometrist explains why aging eyes require more light. Why...
Should You Wear Your Contact Lenses in the Water?

Should You Wear Your Contact Lenses in the Water?

Do you put on your contact lenses before diving in for a swim or simply splashing around in the water? Many of us do, thinking nothing of it. But did you know that wearing your contacts in the water could be harmful to your eyes? In this post, Spectrum Eye Care...