Revision Health

Our Blog

in Charlotte, NC
Is Sunlight Good or Bad for My Eyes?

Is Sunlight Good or Bad for My Eyes?

When considering the sun's impact on our eyes, it's crucial to strike a perfect balance between beneficial and harmful effects. In this blog post, the trusted optometrist at Spectrum Eye Care, explores both the benefits of safe sun exposure and the risks of UV damage,...

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A Guide to Contact Lens Solutions

A Guide to Contact Lens Solutions

Taking care of your contact lenses is crucial to maintaining your eye health. But with so many contact lens solutions available, knowing which one is right for you can be confusing. Contact lens solutions are a complex blend of various ingredients that work together...

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Identifying and Diagnosing Various Types of Cataracts

Identifying and Diagnosing Various Types of Cataracts

The risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts increases as we age. But did you know that not all cataracts are the same? Cataracts come in various types, each with its own unique set of symptoms and progression patterns. As cataracts are one of the leading...

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How Do You Protect Your Vision as You Age?

How Do You Protect Your Vision as You Age?

Your eyes age with the rest of your body. If you are 40 or older, you might begin experiencing changes in your vision. Seeing nearby objects or adjusting to dim environments might be more difficult. Age is also a risk factor for various sight-threatening conditions...

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Deciding Between Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses

Deciding Between Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses

After a comprehensive eye exam, your doctor will tell you if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or other refractive errors. Eyeglasses are the most common option for those who need vision correction. However, contact lenses can also help you see...

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Contact Lenses: How Are They Made?

Contact Lenses: How Are They Made?

Contact lenses are marvels of optical technology. They sit comfortably on your eyes all day, giving you an almost natural vision. Once you slip them into your eyes, the world is suddenly in clear focus. Read on to learn how contacts are made. Soft Contact Lenses...

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A Quick Guide to Selecting the Best Sports Eyewear

A Quick Guide to Selecting the Best Sports Eyewear

The right gear can make all the difference in your performance as an athlete. This includes the eyewear you use during your games or training. It ensures your eyes, one of your most valuable assets, are well-protected in the field. The proper sports eyewear can help...

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Everything You Need to Know About Ocular Dominance

Everything You Need to Know About Ocular Dominance

Ocular dominance, also known as eye dominance or ocular preference, refers to the phenomenon where one eye demonstrates a greater degree of visual function and influence over certain visual tasks compared to the other eye. This dominance is primarily observed in...

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Dealing With Dry Eyes

Dealing With Dry Eyes

Are your eyes often gritty, stinging or uncomfortably dry? Millions of people face the same issue each day. Dry eye is more than just an annoyance; it can potentially impact your vision and overall quality of life. In this post, Spectrum Eye Care shares more...

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Signs You Might Be Sensitive to Blue Light

Signs You Might Be Sensitive to Blue Light

Whether it's your laptop, smartphone or television, they all emit a type of light known as blue light. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to it can lead to sensitivity, creating a range of symptoms that can disrupt your daily life. Understanding blue light sensitivity...

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Factors Affecting Your Vision and Eye Health in Winter

Factors Affecting Your Vision and Eye Health in Winter

As winter sets in and temperatures drop, it's essential to consider how the season can impact your vision and overall eye health. From harsh winds to dry indoor air, various factors during the colder months can affect the well-being of your eyes. Spectrum Eye Care...

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The Impact of Stress and Mental Well-Being on Your Vision

The Impact of Stress and Mental Well-Being on Your Vision

Proper eye care is an integral part of your overall health. But have you ever considered how your mental well-being and stress levels might affect your vision? Stress and certain mental health conditions can indeed influence your eye health. In this post, we explore...

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South Charlotte

Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturdays: Select Saturdays

Uptown Charlotte

Office Hours

  • Monday: 7:45am - 4pm
  • Tuesday: 7:45am - 4pm
  • Wednesday: 7:45am - 4pm
  • Thursday: 7:45am - 4pm
  • Friday: 7:45am - 4pm
  • Saturdays: Closed

Charlotte South End

Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Select Saturdays

Our Optical shop closes at 3:30pm for our Uptown office.
Our Optical shop closes at 4:30pm for all other offices.