How to Properly Clean Your Eyeglasses

How to Properly Clean Your Eyeglasses

It’s crucial to maintain clean and clear eyeglasses for both improved vision and eye health. Unfortunately, many unknowingly commit common mistakes while cleaning their specs, leading to potential damage. In this post, eye care experts at Spectrum Eye Care share...
The Effect of Poor Vision on Children’s Learning

The Effect of Poor Vision on Children’s Learning

Poor vision can greatly impact a child’s ability to learn. It’s a common issue, but thankfully one that can be addressed with early detection and intervention. Our resident optometrist at Spectrum Eye Care talks about how poor vision affects learning and...
5 Sunglasses Myths You Should Ignore

5 Sunglasses Myths You Should Ignore

Several myths about sunglasses are still floating around today. For instance, there are claims that all sunglasses offer UV protection or that the darker the lens, the better the coverage. Don’t risk your eye health by falling for false information. Read on...
5 Signs You Should Visit Your Eye Doctor

5 Signs You Should Visit Your Eye Doctor

Your eyes are your windows to the world. There are many ways to care for them, such as eating nourishing foods, taking breaks from digital screens and going regularly for eye exams. If you notice significant changes in your vision or experience severe eye discomfort,...
Why Crying Is Actually Good for You

Why Crying Is Actually Good for You

  You cry when you feel extreme sadness, pain or stress. When you are overwhelmed with joy and happiness, you can also tear up. Shedding some tears helps relieve emotional and physical pain. But did you know your eyes especially benefit from a good cry? Discover...