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Activities of daily living (ADL) such as cooking, cleaning, and other chores can be difficult for individuals who are visually impaired. If you have low vision, it can hamper the way you deal with daily and personal tasks, which can also affect your emotional health. Fortunately, there are effective ways to improve your vision, and our eye care experts have put together some useful tips to help you out:

Label Your Belongings

Labeling your stuff in bold letters or stickers of varying shapes can help you identify objects without the need of looking too closely. Using different textures and paints can also help in labeling your things. You can even use contrasting colors that help you recognize certain objects. For instance, a dark table cloth with white plates can help you recognize the table edges more prominently and avoid accidents.

Make Use of Optical Aids

These include stand magnifiers (which rest above the material you’re reading or looking at) and hand-held magnifiers that have built-in lights. Telescopes and binoculars can also be utilized to help you see distant objects and signs more clearly. But one of the most practical types of optical aids is eyeglasses, as they can be prescribed by visiting a reputable eye center. You can even get magnifying spectacles, which can be worn like glasses while reading or doing other close-up activities!

Practice the Buddy System

With low vision more common in aging adults, it can also cause feelings of loneliness and helplessness. One of the best ways to cope with this is by finding a friend or support system in your community. Doing this helps you learn new tips and tricks that have worked for other individuals who know how to deal with low vision.

These tips will help improve your low vision, but we also recommend setting up an appointment with a trusted eye doctor. Turn to Spectrum Eye Care and call us at (704) 543-9000, or you can fill out our convenient online request form to get started!