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Technology has made communication and everyday tasks easier. It has also brought entertainment and video gaming to the next level. Millions of people in the U.S. use virtual reality (VR) headsets for these purposes and more. Several studies show that this equipment may cause issues with your eyes. However, there’s still no proof of long-term damage.

Continue reading to find out how VR headsets can affect your eyes.

What Are the Consequences of Prolonged VR Headset Use?

Digital Eye Strain

Like staring at computer and smartphone screens, using VR headsets for extended periods can result in digital eye strain. This eye condition usually causes eye strain, discomfort and fatigue. Some patients might also experience blurred vision. When you stare at VR screens, you tend to blink less, resulting in eye strain. A 2019 study also found that the contrast between virtual and perceived depth caused eye fatigue in VR headset users.

Visually Induced Motion Sickness

Cybersickness or visually induced motion sickness can also result from prolonged VR headset use. Its symptoms include drowsiness, sweating, headaches, poor focus, nausea and vomiting. Women, children, individuals with unsteady posture and people with problems in their visual field are more prone to this condition.

Can VR Benefit Your Eyes?

There are several good things VR can do for your eyes. This technology isn’t only for games as many believe. It can also aid in correcting some vision problems, including poor eye coordination, depth perception, hand-eye coordination and reaction time. VR has also been found helpful in correcting amblyopia or lazy eye.

Stop using your VR headset if you experience changes in your vision or eye discomfort. See your eye doctor if the issue persists. Spectrum Eye Care is here to help with your vision and eye health needs. Call us at (704) 543-9000, or fill out our convenient online form to schedule your appointment.