Contact Lens Fitting: What to Expect

Contact Lens Fitting: What to Expect

Contact lenses can effectively correct refractive errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Since they conform to your eye’s curvature, they provide better central and peripheral vision. You shouldn’t experience discomfort while...
Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Pros and Cons?

Progressive Lenses: What Are Their Pros and Cons?

It isn’t uncommon for people 40 and older to need progressive eyeglasses or contact lenses. With this type of eyewear, you can see clearly at all distances. The upper area of the lenses allows you to see distant objects, the middle portion lets you focus on...
Aging Eyes: Why Do They Need More Light?

Aging Eyes: Why Do They Need More Light?

Like the rest of your body, your eyes will inevitably change as you age. That’s why older adults often experience difficulty reading fine print or struggle to see in dimly lit environments. A local optometrist explains why aging eyes require more light. Why...
Why Is Senior Eye Care Necessary?

Why Is Senior Eye Care Necessary?

You hear from eye care professionals and other sources how eye care becomes increasingly important as people age. In today’s post, Spectrum Eye Care takes a look at the reasons why you should schedule more frequent eye exams as you get older. Common Age-Related...
Debunking the Biggest Myths About Cataracts

Debunking the Biggest Myths About Cataracts

Cataracts are among the most common causes of vision loss in adults, particularly in more than 50% of Americans 80 years and older. Despite the number of affected patients, myths about it persist — some of which can, for example, discourage someone from taking an eye...